How to ask for a Pay Rise in the Conservative Gulf
In Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar being successful in asking for a pay rise needs to be done with cultural appropriateness, otherwise you may be heading for a pay cut!
When asking for salary raise justify it with a business reason. Review the current goals of the company and align your skills to justify how you can contribute to meet the company goals. To be able to do this requires skilled communication so be sure to check out our MasterClass.
Be careful not to limit yourself with your tasks, instead think of your skills and potential.
When you know what extra you can do for the company, consider your strategy.
Deliver the extra in silence and hope someone notices
This is the most common approach but without doubt the worst one, as your extra effort will likely be incorporated and accepted as part of your current role.
Delivery the extra and shout about it often
A more intelligent approach because you increase your visibility in the company thus making it easier to ask about a raise. However, you can’t be sure that a rise will happen; and if you get a rejection, be prepared to let it go and come back later with another attempt emphasising a different extra effort your can contribute with.
Make a Deal
Making a deal with your manager or your HR may present the most complications to start with but it’s also the most effective method. One way to do this is via the annual appraisal or performance review process.
Set and agree a base target which incorporates your current day job, and then before closing add an additional item saying you’d like to deliver this too. If your manager agrees then you get instant feedback that such an effort is needed.
Once you delivery this extra effort, return to your manager before the next appraisal highlighting what you have achieved and achieved early making it a natural progression to landing the pay rise.